Stratospheric Aerosol Injection
The Following Is A Little Bit Of Research I’ve Done On The Subject More Commonly Known As «Chem Trails», A Term I Stopped Using As Of Writing It Just Now.
There are plenty of people looking for various truths that are in total denial that geoengineering is actually happening. As you will know from my substack I subscribe to James Corbett of the His latest episode about magic words inspired me to write this article, and its title was the first magic word he said.
The first thing I found was this:
Here is a small excerpt from that page that I think deserves attention.
Computer simulations suggest that this technique would likely cause droughts in Africa and Asia and estimate that the SAI could endanger the source of food and water for two billion people.Because of the unequal global impacts and its potential to be weaponized, solar geoengineering carries insurmountable challenges for governance. (emphasis mine)
Then the author of this goes on with some fictitious nonsense. Fictitious because it just isn’t happening.
Therefore, several hundred civil society organizations from around the world are calling for a multilateral ban on solar geoengineering.
That sentence is misleading as hell. For one, it is implying that it has not started, which we know it has. For two, I have never heard of, or read a single civil society organization opposing this for the simple reason that (insert obsolete buzzwords from the subtitle here) doesn’t exist. It’s a conspiracy theory. Just do a search for it, and you will only find stuff that denies its existence. Nothing to see here, folks! Move right along!
On the same site you can find a link to surface albedo modification. That’s all about genetically modifying the leaves of trees and plants so that they reflect more sunlight. On the one hand they argue that they want to reflect sunlight before it interacts with greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere. On the other hand they want to reflect that sunlight back through the atmosphere so that it interacts with the greenhouse gasses again. There is a word for that kind of logic.
Then we have The Wilson Center’s Simon Nicholson talking about solar radiation management (SRM).
Source: Graphic prepared by Isabelle Rodas for Nicholson, S. (2013), "The Promises and Perils of Geoengineering," in Erik Assadourian et al., Worldwatch Institute: State of the World 2013.
The Wilson Center also uses circular logic when they talk about SRM. On the one hand they say that rising CO2 levels are making the oceans more acidic, so they propose that by using such things as sulfur in the atmosphere to prevent this from happening. ....., but ....., but, sulfur itself is acidic, isn’t it? OH, NEVER MIND!
Then we have the David Keith Group at Harvard.
It too spews out more of the same crap (pun intended) as if this is considered to be utilized at some time in the future as an alternative solution to climate change.
They even ask if it can be used as a weapon.
We know that it has been used as such, and it doesn’t take a whole lot of work to find that out. It made the monsune season start one month earlier, and end one month later making the Viet Cong’s tunnel systems unusable for much longer. Now what about the huricane season?
Why else would there be a need for a Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques (ENMOD)?
The following is a quote from David Keith’s Research group argues against the feasability of weaponized weather due to it not being precise.
The premise that solar geoengineering is weaponizable, however, is either false or grossly overstated and inapplicable to those technologies that might plausibly be deployed. Precision is a defining attribute of weaponry; indeed, the so-called revolution in military affairs has made it the most prized attribute for many strategists, as exemplified by the dominant role now played by precision-guided munitions. One hallmark of solar geoengineering, however, would be its imprecision.
Of course I am not privy to any info beyond what I can find on the www, so I have no proof of the following. Never the less it is not far fetched that if you add the factor of High frequency Active Auroral Research Project (HAARP), I beg to differ with David Keith.
In the book “Angels Don’t Play This HAARP” Dr. Nick Begich explaines in detail why that system can be used as a weapon. If you have a massive amount of particles in the air at a certain location and altitude, and then send large amounts of electronic energy in that direction one can only imagine the heat it would generate. Think aluminum foil in a micro wave oven.
Every one of these actors are talking about modification of the climate, stratospheric aerosol injection, albedo modification and so on and so forth as if it hasn’t started yet, and that if it does it will be met by massive opposition. Joseph Goebbels would be proud of all of them for being very crafty in their misleading.
All this is the main reason why I am not a member of the church where Al Gore is Pope, and Gretha Thunberg is the virgin Mary. Most anti-globalists are though. The fact that the powers that shouldn’t be have no problems with a movement like hers is not only blatantly obvious. It is proof that they condone it. They even invite her to the UN to scream at them in order to further their….. strike that …..her agenda. Carbon tax, anyone?
Movements like Occupy Wall Street and the Freedom Truckers in Canada, on the other hand, which do not have their blessing, are struck down on with draconian measures. Freedom and democracy, anyone?
By all means, feel free to leave a comment.
Playing God. My biggest question is who is funding this polluting of our atmosphere? Is Congress informed of this? Is this the 4th branch of government acting on its own? I haven't checked out the Corbett report on backed up with things to look at, but this can't be cheap. We are living in insane times where "scientists", and I use the term loosely, can actually propose polluting the environment and actually get away with it under the guise of "saving the planet." Back in 1974, when global cooling was a threat, Newsweek claimed scientists were proposing melting the icecap using black soot. In Newsweek defense, they claimed this might cause more problems than it would seems the media, lapdog of big climate-cult money where they can find it, is disinterested in that today. God help us.
I lived in the US for 13 years as an "adult". I only went to 3rd and 4th grade in the US. Hence my English.
I don't know how many times I've seen Murkans mix there, their and they're, to name just one.