What Is The First Thing You Do When You See A House On Fire?
Last week there were some serious events that could have dire consequences for our future existence.
Below is the first post I published on substack exactly two years ago, on November 18th, and it is still just as important today.
On November 19th, 2024, Ukraine fired American made missiles at Russia propper (as I choose to call it). Then again on the 20th of November they fired several British made missiles at Russian targets. Russia subsequently responded on 21 November by firing a modified missile at a Ukrainian factory at the speed of Mach 10.
If this insanity is not stoped, we will all be facing an all out nuclear exchange where nobody wins. The following is my first post that had absolutely no recipiants for the simple fact that I had no subscribers. Please keep on reading.
The first thing you do when you see a house on fire is to point a conveyor belt towards it, and fill the house with firewood. The next step is to drive a tank truck close to it and proceed, as David Bowie once sang, “putting out the fire with gasoline”.
Of course not!!! Only an insane psychopath would do that. The normal thing to do would be to make sure there isn’t anyone stuck inside, call the fire department, and then use water, powder or foam to extinguish the fire before the house burns to the ground.
Still….. If you look closely at it, Jens Stoltenberg, at the behest of Joe Biden & Co. used the aforementioned method.
On Monday 17 January 2022 I saw with my own eyes two C-130 airplanes that came from an air field less than a 30 minute drive from where I live. They were heading in the general direction of Poland. The first thing I said to my wife was: “Ok, now the shit is going to hit the fan. It’s either the Ukraine, or it’s Belarus”.
The two planes returned in the evening after dark, and this was repeated for five days. I watched the evening news all that week just in case they would say something about the airplanes. What I did notice about the news that week was that everyone was visibly sick and tired of talking about everything Covid. Then, on the evening news on Friday of that week they spent six or seven minutes talking about the evil dictator in Belarus. Then six or seven minutes talking about the psychopath in the Kremlin.
Now we get to the interesting part. After five days without a word about the airplanes, the news anchor read a single sentence off the teleprompter, “The movement of large quantities of military equipment is not in connection to a military drill”. Without hesitation she went to a fluff piece about the Norwegian Oscar nomination for best foreign movie. Five weeks after this announcement Russia’s special military operation was a fact.
Then, on 9/26/2022, three out of four of the Nordstream pipelines between Russia and Germany were blown up. Then Geman tanks were sent to Ukraine, and every Russian alive today knows very well that the last time German tanks were on their way to Russia, they went via Ukrain.
F-16 have also been sent to Ukraine, and a pilot needs about two years of training to fly one. There is also no Ukrainian personell that can use the newly aquired American ATACMS, and the British made Storm Shadow missile systems. This means that if these systems are to be deployed against Russia, which both missile systems already have, they need NATO personell to operate them.
In short, the conflict between NATO and Russia has now been significantly ratcheted up.
....., and as far as Jens Stoltenberg goes. What is his background, and how did he get to where he is today?
He is the son of Thorvald Stoltenberg, the guy who brokered a peace deal when Yugoslavia was balkanized, and he was the leader of the Norwegian Labor Party's Youth Organization. Not long after that he attended a Bilderberger gathering, and before you know it he was minister of finance.
During his stint as Minister of Finance in Norway he put 49% of the state owned oil company (then Statoil, now Equinor) out on the NYSE.
By the time he became PM it was decided that the now 50 year old F-16s were to be replaced. He made sure Norway didn't buy the best fighter plane suited for its purpose, the SAAB Gripen. Not even the second best, the Euro Fighter.
After very little debate on the subject Norway bought 50 (yes, fifty) of the single most disastrous aviation project since the Spruce Goose. Lockheed Martin's F-35 (The Hindenburg was sabotaged just like the Concorde).
The question remains unanswered whether or not Dumbo promised him the Secretary General of NATO appointment as a reward for signing the F-35 contract. What do YOU think?