Feb 8, 2023Liked by GreaterIsrahell

Dirty Harry was right - https://crushlimbraw.blogspot.com/2023/01/a-mans-got-to-know-his-limitations-by.html?m=0 - there's nothing worse than self-righteousness which blinds one to actual evil......sorta like DaPharisees who still exist by changing their stripes to suit DaTimes!

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I had a back-and-forth with a follower of Caitlin by the name of Fram. We got in on the subject of 9/11, and she like Caitlin seemed to not know anything about 9/11 being an inside job. Then I told her about the PNAC papers, and where to find them.

She responded with indignation: "I know about them and a lot more, but for some reason I never wanted to go there."

I called her willfully ignorant about thee most important event in the 21st century. So far, at least.

She threw a hissy fit, and said I had called her an idiot and didn't want to talk to me any more.

Then I see her lying about me somewhere else, and call her out on it.

Her response?: "I told you not to reply to me again."

Yeah, like I have to obey you as if I'm your five year old son. LOL

"Self-righteousness which blinds one to actual evil."


"Result: I was banned for being anti-semitic."

Were you banned from Caitlin's Substack?

I can't post there for the next 100 years. LOL

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Yup....but I'm good to go at 101 years!

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I won't miss it either. A lot of the people there subscribe to many of the same people as myself, so no loss.

Right now I'm reading Seamore Hirsch's post on how the Nordstream pipelines were blown up. It's worth checking out.


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Jul 9, 2023Liked by GreaterIsrahell

at the time she was very outspoken in supporting the insanity of Defund the Police, the dire consequences notwithstanding (and I stopped being interested in her work since).

nice to have found your substack! be well, and enjoy your summerdays.

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She is not interested in facts or the truth. All her stuff would be interesting if she were to dig a little deeper to find out who "the Empire" really is, but no. I did a little house keeping today and removed both her and Greenwald from my recommended list. Greenwald is funded by PayPal. according to @corbettreport.com, and @James Corbett knows what he's talking about.

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Jul 9, 2023Liked by GreaterIsrahell

Pierre Omidyar (of eBay & PayPal) indeed. if I'm not mistaken that's why The Grayzone's Aaron Maté (whose work I like) left Greenwald's The Intercept a few years ago.

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Not that it matters a whole hell of a lot, but did Greenwald get run out of the Intercept, or did he leave of his own free will? He himself claims the latter.

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Jul 9, 2023Liked by GreaterIsrahell

the latter is the best argument to CYA. after Gr.'s association w/Omidyar his staff and co-founder(s) left him, so over time the Intercept sort-of imploded.

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His staff and co-founder have integrity, and Glenn Greenwald is a POS in it for the money.

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Jul 9, 2023Liked by GreaterIsrahell


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Aug 20, 2023Liked by GreaterIsrahell

I am just glad I have found you, really by chance, as I saw a comment mentioning Greenwald somewhere I don't recall...I have been convinced for the longest time, ( almost 83 ) about the difference between jews and zionism , not always easy to discover, and fully agree with you as for Glen, I have a hard time keeping my concentration with his delivery, so I listen depending on the subject and keep a critical stance. Was not aware that PayPal was involved, I stopped when they blocked Assange. I always try to keep the message from the messenger and judge a posteriori...of course, given the amount of material available, I have no way but to pick and choose. Regards

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The thing about Greenwald is he keeps grinding on endlessly about minutia details that in and of themselves are important, yes, but detract your attention away from the big picture.

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I am in full agreement with that, I tought it was something more sinister, it happens a lot with OCDs. Thanks for the answer

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Greenwald mocks anyone who questions the official conspiracy theory on 9/11. If that isn't sinister I don't know what is.

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JJJ, what an ass, still, some may be valid, my red line is people that mention HR w/o mentioning the Palestinians...

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I am been a believer of thermite...

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Thermite has been proven. Niels Harrit has analyzed dust from the site.

Please explain HR.

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Jan 19Liked by GreaterIsrahell

Don't doubt he buys the official story, but haven't heard or read him do any mocking. On the other hand, I HAVE read Matt Taibbi's attempted takedown interview of David Ray Griffin (who handled him wonderfully). I believe it was for Rolling Stone when that "hip journal" wasn't nearly as bad as it's become since.

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Jan 19Liked by GreaterIsrahell

There's truth in what you say. Being aware of that, I still occasionally watch his show because if you're interested in the particular details, at least he can be super proficient at explicating them. I've become much warier of Caitlin over the past several years. Besides being overly generalized as you say, she just dissed and dismissed all skeptics, from "anti-virus" to "anti-lockdown" to just "anti-vaccination" during the scamdemic. While living in Australia for God's sake.

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I stopped paying attention to her the day she banned me. Her dissing and dismissing as you say doesn't surprise me at all.

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Lula subbing me led me to see your post in Notes. You might be interested in this one I did on Caitlin Johnstone: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/caitlin-johnstone-and-free-speech along with the one that led Lula to sub: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/churchills-atrocities.

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"but Israel's complicated relationship with this war lends itself to the occasional release of information not fully in alignment with the official imperial line"

She banned you for this innocent comment? I find it hard to believe.  

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Mar 9·edited Mar 9Author

You misunderstood, Wizard.

She wrote what you have in quotes. My reply is what got me banned.

"What the fuck, Caitlin? What's so complicated about a country....... actually three countries...., led by East European Zionist Ashkenazim Khazars? Yes, the Ukraine, the US and, of course Israel, is led by that insane tribe who's desire for our blood is insatiable.

So, now we are supposed to look at Israel in a positive way for wanting peace? Ever hear of the good cop/ bad cop thing?


Why can't you just call a spade what it is. A spade. Not a digging instrument or some other creative name."

I wonder what her view on Israel is today in light of the Hanibal Directive on 7/10 lats year.

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