Jan 26Liked by GreaterIsrahell

Thanks for this info.

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Jan 26·edited Jan 26Author

You're welcome, Kris. I don't flood my subscribers with e-mails. That's why I don't want to have paying subscribers and feel obligated to constantly produce content. I post when I find something important that should be spread far and wide.

...., and thanks for the restack.

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Jan 27Liked by GreaterIsrahell

good find, revealing some of the total craziness that seems to be going around :-(( here some more on "measuring" excess death numbers - https://dailysceptic.org/2024/01/26/denmarks-16000-excess-deaths-that-its-now-claimed-never-happened/

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Thank you for this one, Mary-Lou. I'd love to see the statistics for Norway.

I saved the link to a site that shows reported covid cases in any country in the world. After 12/31/2020 (the date the first vaxxine was injected) the cases of positive for covid skyrocketed. Safe and effective, my ass.


How anyone can regain trust the World "Health" Organization or their country's authorities in general, and health authorities in particular is beyond me.

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Jan 27Liked by GreaterIsrahell

glad to be of assistance, this work needs to be done. however, we need to use precise language. when you say 'After 12/31/2020 (the date the first vaxxine was injected) the cases of positive for covid skyrocketed...' << here you rightly compare the number of cov-cases before and after 12/31/2020, BUTTT we know that there has never been objective testing, because the method used, the PCR-test, was faulty, inadequate and easily manipulated - it did not measure the incidence of "covid, the virus", but was very useful to provide wished-for data/numbers.

therefore: what led to this increase in 'positive cov-cases' after 12/31/2020, the first inoculations? the most truthful answer is: we assume that we know, and we jump to the conclusion that it must be attributable to the inoculations. yet that's not correct, because it might as well have been influenced by the inadequate method for testing.

so the next question should be: what, exactly, is the correlation between (a) the [number of injections] and (b) the [number of positive cov-cases]? we know that (b) showed an increase, but with variations: we know now that the content of the vials and batches varied, over time, in place and depending on the manufacturer. which of these factors contributed to the assumed increase in positive cases?

the medical establishment seems to work with this model:

[excess deaths] are attributed to [cov], [vaxx] are administered because of [covid incidence], there is [cov] because it is [tested]. but the "real"model is: people get the [vaxx]; many vaxxed people get [sick]; many get very sick, from [unusual illnesses]; most of the sick, vaxxed people [die].

honestly, this is sickening!

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Jan 28Liked by GreaterIsrahell

I totally like your rational thinking involving paid subscriptions. I've oft wondered about some of the people/journalists I admire almost clogging up my mailbox daily with story after story...or endless clips of a video. Seems it thins the value and seriousness of the subject(s)...and the writer. I understand the need to make a living, obviously there is a fine line to the right balance of 'money for words', and each writer must find his/her own as you must find your own sweet spot. Otherwise, you're doing it right, IMHO.

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There are a lot of people (unfortunately) that create content on substack that are just in it for the money. That's why I'm here. I just re-dstibute info I find elsewhere, and put it into a context that makes sense to me. For free.

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science without conscience is but the ruin of the soul.

F. Rabelais( 16th century)

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You should look at what the Gates fundation finances in Norway. A lot.

It might explain why your government is " shy" of publishing anything about covid

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I know that the Norwegian government donated to the foundation round about when swine flue and avian flue was happening, and it was in the millions.

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that moronic jew woman doesn't realize JEWISH PEOPLE WERE SLAUGHTERED BY THEIR ZIONIST GOVERNMENT ON 10/7...clueless

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Yes, she does. Just like the Jew-ish globalists knew that an enormous amount of Jew-ish people were going to be killed by the Deathvaxx. Just like the Jew-ish banksters that financed Nazi Germany knew that a lot of Jew-ish people would die during the 1930's and 40's.

If you're going to make an omelet (read: Israel) you have to break some eggs (read: inocent Jew-ish people). In the case of 10/ Gaza and the West Bank was the omelet, and the eggs were, relatively speaking, a few inocent Jew-ish people and all Palestinians.

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Jan 28Liked by GreaterIsrahell

Excuse me, layman here... In short, what exactly (minus the techno jargon) is going on and what is this Jewish woman (and why her/them) thinking Armageddon is at hand? Two things right off the bat bother me regarding these videos: 1. The woman has a nose piercing. (Nothing against body piercing mind you, but, really? 2. The use of violent sound effects. While, again, just at layman here, these things can be easily observed as dead giveaways to lesser than truthful declarations by dubious people. Otherwise, please educated me.

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In short, what she is saying at 49 seconds into the video is, "Are we going to wait until everybody's gone and we turn of the lights before we leave (the US)?

They mean business. They're not fucking around.

Prepair. Get yourself ready for hard times in the best way you know how ASAP.

Do what you can to prepair yourself and your close ones for the shit that is coming down the fan at any given moment.

The powers hhat shouldn't be are at this point desperate because more and more ordinary people like yourself and me are becoming aware of what the globalist elite are up to.'

Godspeed in your preparations, and I hope your family is receptive to what you tell them. Even show them this comment if it helps.

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They have info on covid specifically, and they stopped keeping track in March almost two years ago. All causes mortality is, I suspect, a closely guarded secret. They can keep it that way as long as all things covid and vaxxines are non topics.

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yes, you can count on the medical corporation to keep dark secrets. Most of them have " conflicts of interest" with Bigpharma. It is called normally corruption.

About the Gate Fundation, my question was if this fundation financed for ex media or any influential body.

I know that in France and in the UK , it finances a.o. papers ( Le Monde, Guardian etc) and so has a lever of influence.

About Covid, the french much villified prof Raoult made some video using govt statistics/ registered death , which were/are kept in France and could establish the relation vax/ death rate. It was at the time on youtube. And government officials were making a fool of him .

You don t really think the MSM published it ? Or asked questions ?

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"You don t really think the MSM published it ? Or asked questions?"

Of course they won't. They do not exist to serve you and me. They exist to serve the members of the big club. The one we're not a member of.

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it was a " rethorical " question as i knew the answer.

A researcher ( jean-dominique Michel) has just published a book and his conclusion is that the Gate Fundation was worldwide at the hart of organizing the roll out of the poison. Surprised ?

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Feb 10Liked by GreaterIsrahell

Great article, thanks for your efforts! I've been furiously angry since I heard the term "operating system" being used to describe the Deathvax. I knew exactly what it meant, the IOB and the WBAN. I do a variety of things to stop the nano tech from assembling in my body...sodium citrate, oregano and peppermint, oral EDTA, turmeric, scalar wave generator, which may just be a box with a led light, it's so quiet I have no idea if there is really anything inside. I don't know to what extent these methods are helping. All I can say is I am fighting back in the only ways i know how, reading as much as I can understand about this technology without a biology or chemistry degree. I've read many substacks where people are experimenting with treatments. I haven't tried the triangle thingy by Tony P...whatshisname, but I don't emit a MAC address yet so that's a good sign. When I go out to any place where there are people, dozens of MAC addresses show up on my phone. It makes me not want to be close to them in line or spend much time in enclosed spaces. People are utterly clueless as to what is coming. I explained to my family what the WBAN is and they said it's too horrifying to believe and they can't cope. They asked me not to give them any more updates.

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I have read about people walking by themselves through cemetaries, and IP addresses pop up, and then fade away when the distance is to great. I can't talk to my "better half" about any of this. The fact that they actually said it's too horrifying to believe means they can't deal with it, and for you to stop talking about it means it sank in, but they are unable or unwilling to process the info. Classic cognitive disonance.

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It's lonesome to know the truth, isn't it? But we have a responsibility to stay informed to help those who don't know or refuse to believe. I give nudges to my family to double up on Vitamin C for general health or the herbs and supplements I mentioned to detox. They know cereal grains are contaminated with harmful metals, so I can get through to them without discussing detox on the level of graphene oxide, hydrogels and nano structures. It's a little sneaky but gives me peace of mind that I tried. :)

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"But we have a responsibility to stay informed to help those who don't know or refuse to believe."

With knowledge comes responsibility.

"It's a little sneaky but gives me peace of mind that I tried."

It's a whole hell of a lot better than nothing.

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Mar 25Liked by GreaterIsrahell

I'm a bit late to this conversation. In general, perhaps responding with one word, such as "Antioxidants", can prompt the process of discovery for some. e.g.


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Feb 19Liked by GreaterIsrahell

Here is a link to Jonathan Jay Couey's videos session where he comments on James's Giordanos talk:


Also don't forget to check out Jonathan Jay Couey's Gigaohm Biological here on Substack:


Give him a follow and consider supporting his work at GigaohmBiological.com

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Feb 25·edited Feb 26Author

Legg merke til hva James Giordano sier 48 sekunder inn i denne videoen:


"What is the result? A nano-particulate stoke, or a hemoragic diathysis (fancy word) for a predispositioned person having a brain bleed."

Jeg har transkribert hele denne greia i en av mine poster. Edit: Ehh... Her, faktisk.

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Det James Giordano sier fjerner jo all tvil om at de visste hva de gjorde. Jeg abonerer til 2ND SMARTEST GUY IN THE WORLD, og han legger ut lenker til et firma som heter Virex. De selger bl. a. Ivermectin og Fenbendazol. Dette skal kunne fjerne den dritten som alle nå har i kroppen enten man er vaksinert eller ikke. Jeg forsøkte å kjøpe en pakke av hver tidlig i desember, men det ser ut som tollerne har fått ordren til å forsvinne. Har du peiling på hvor man kan få tak i disse?

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