As long as we stay ignorant and apologetic to the tactics of these bastahds, their game will continue.

Has anyone published the names of DaCanary operatives AND their ENABLERS in the corporations?

As I keep saying, blaming DaADL, SPLC, Canaries or crows is like blaming termites for being termites - WhereTF are the rest of us?

Remember Bud Light? So you want boycotts? Let's see how this works when ALL OF US get into DaGame - and I believe the time is getting closer than it ever has been. Other than the totally delusional, more and more ordinary folks have had enough.

Bring it on! Expose them to DaLight - we have a war going on here, folks - stop your whining.......and that includes DaAuthor!

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I'm not whining. I am trying to spread information as far and as wide as I reach.

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We often do not even recognize that we are......and even worse, we're apologetic - read you first few paragraphs. You're defending yourself by stating you're not anti-semitic. WhoTF is accusing you?

Furthermore, we're so programmed not to be racist, we're literally accusing God and Christ of sinning.

Racism is not a sin!

The example of the woman going back to her accusers ASKING to be taken off their list makes my blood boil - she shoulda asked "WhoTF you think you are - God?"

My dear GIH - Our culture has been polluted to the point that we're appealing to DaSynagogue of Satan to stop their pollution - does that make sense?

If you need more spiritual ammo for your mission, DaLimbraw Library is loaded......word search RACISM........DaSynagogue Satan......or anything else......you'll be reading days, if not weeks.

God bless you for your work.......but be sure you know yourself and your enemy!

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"You're defending yourself by stating you're not anti-semitic. WhoTF is accusing you?"

I get anti-semite thrown at me for stating what I did in this post. Caitlin Johnstone banned me after accusing me of it. I am not here to argue with anyone. Life is too short. I am here to get information and to inform others by commenting and posting what I find.

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We're comrades - CJ banned me for 99 years - didn't know I had that many years left. Funniest part was I was quoting Jesus and Apostle Paul.

Antisemite has become a badge of honor! Wear it proudly - GIH!

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Sep 16, 2023Liked by GreaterIsrahell

David Icke in " The trigger" has written about the ultra zionist lobby in the USA. Its nauseating manipulations. Playing victims and accusing anybody critic of israhell of being " anti semitic" seems to work like a treat.

Any critic of israhell will breng their ire onto you. And they will try to destroy you with any means.

What you also should read is " 200 years together" by soljenytsine.

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Playing victim, and defaming anyone who doesn't view them as such is disgusting.

The Orwellian named Anti Defamation League.... It would be laughable if it weren't so tragic.

I will look for the book by Solzhenitsyn.

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Sep 17, 2023Liked by GreaterIsrahell

Anti defamation league does not seem to work alone. It is a weel organized zionist movement. If you have not read the trigger by david icke, do. You may make up your mind yourself about what he writes.

I did not know david icke, ut bought this book on amazon, because last november he was suppose to hold a meeting in amsterdam.

A court order barred him from travelling in the EU for the duration of two years. He is a " complotist" you see...

So i bought his book to learn what kind of guy he is.

Always follow your curiosity.

Advise from an old biddy

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"Always follow your curiosity."

I always do. That's how I ended up where I am today. I also always follow my gut instincts. The few times in life where I didn't, I ended up regretting it. No exceptions.

I think his lizard people stuff is way out there. To me it's just psychopathy on steroids and crack.Yes, the Zionist network is vast. There's MEMRI (Middle East Media Research Institute, AEI (American Enterprise Institute) and many more.

You are awarded hard time in certain EU countries for simply saying out loud he things Icke talks about. C.J. Hopkins is facing multiple charges in Germany for comparing the present German government to that of its government from 1933 to 1945.

They're saying that it's antisemitic. The German states attorney is using fear in an attempt to make him and everyone like him shut up because his message is a proverbial fan pointing at the house of cards that are the various western governments.

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Sep 17, 2023Liked by GreaterIsrahell

yes one should always follow his guts feelings. They seldom lies, i also know from experience. We learn more from what went wrong then....

We live in a very weird times . As for David Icke, if what he says in the Trigger about the neocons and ultra zionists, their international infiltrations of governments , to influence foreign politics about israhell or even worse were not true, he would have be brought before a court of law a long time ago for defamation. By the league or many org. front of mossad. And would have been convicted.

For Germany, the truth is the most difficult thing to hear. And the most lethal weapon.

Germany ' s government is more than pityfull

What i personnally think is that european governments at the moment are preparing for riots.

They try to scare everybody since covid. The truth is that most western governments have huge deficits and the banks are near bankrupt. As for the economy, look at what happened with nordstream and the EU reaction: none.

There is also a book i recently read, and if i may i will give you the tittle, yo might find it interesting. If not ignore the following.

" The tower of Basel" by Adam Lebor

It is about the Bank for International Settlement( BIS) in Bazel Switzerland.

Funded in switzerland the 1920 to facilitate the payment of war damages to france from germany ((WO1). Instead it facilitated the rearmament of Germany by high finance ( US and UK mostly). But there is much more to it as it also influenced very much the 20th century europe/fundation of EU. It is a very confidential institution working behind the scene, but extremely influential as it shapes the nowdays events, being the central bank of central bankers. Is preparing at the moment thevintroduction of digital currency

Adam lebor has done a remarkable research ( full pages of references in internet addresses) and placed the political roles of many countries into historical context.

That is, if you did not read it already, i would recommand it.

This book is not for entertaining. But Adam Lebor writes aldo very good political thrillers

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I know about that book and the topic of the Rothschild controlled central bank of central banks. It was supposed to be for the reparations, as you say. The powers that shouldn't be always use some lame-ass excuse for creating something they want, but for nefarious reasons. It's a gigantic laundomat for currency.

I have a book that I want to reccommend for you in return. Carrol Quigley's "Tragedy and Hope". He was given full access to the arcchives at the Council onForeign Relations in NYC. They wanted him to put together a summary of their work in one single book. Much to their chagrin he exposed how they have worked to a) take control of the legislative branch in the US, and they have created foreign policies designed to make it impossible for the "developing countries" to in fact become developed. Thereby securing US supremacy in financial matters globally. It is not without reason it is called the real state department.

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thank you.

The BRICS might bring a change into this. Things have a birth but also a death. And all empires are mortal

I will read it.

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Sep 17, 2023·edited Sep 17, 2023Author

BRICS+ is doing everything in their power to bring the evil empire to an abrupt end. That doesn't mean anything'll change if they succeed. In that case it'll be like the old Who song: "Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss". It just means that we will have THEIR CBDC, THEIR social crediting system, THEIR 24/7/365 surveilance and THEIR draconian laws to deal with instead.

China and Russia also have HAARP, so no improvement on that front either.

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glad i am at the end of my life !!

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...., and I wish I could un-know or un-learn all the shit I have found since 2006. Statistically speaking I will still be alive in 2030, but I'm not looking forward to it.

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my joy is listening to barok music, preferably songs but also instrumental.

And walking in the woods when i can. It gives joy to your soul and keep peace in your hart. All the best

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