Dec 16, 2023Liked by GreaterIsrahell

Robbery/ grand theft by the USA in Haïti

December 17, 1914.

Urged by National City Bank and the BNRH, with the latter of the two already under direction of american business interests, EIGHT ( armed ships) UNITED STATES MARINES waked into the National Bank of Haïti and "took custody" ( theft) of Haïti' s gold reserve of about $500.000, - about the eqivalent of 13,526,578,= in 2021 - on dec 17, 1914

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....., and the criminal cartel just keeps on keeping on without anyone holding them accountable. As usual.

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Sanctions, sanctions, sanctions !!!!!

what hubris ??

Well the game is up, soon the US $ worthless ; no one want US bonds any more and everybody is getting rid of them. Petro $ is finished. No more money to buy weapons and rob the world

Putin is a good chessplayer and killed them at their own game.

And the rest of the world is gloating.

But we will go as well under with our " friend and ally"

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There are only two countries that need to be sanctioned immediately.

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illegal squat

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...., and thanks for the re-stack, moon.

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Dec 16, 2023Liked by GreaterIsrahell

in a similar vein, just in case you weren't aware of this author - https://matthewehret.substack.com/p/how-an-austrian-and-british-malthusian

"humanity has long been manipulated by oligarchs who knew how to set the species to war against itself. Although these operations have taken many forms, the desired effect has always been the same: divide-to-conquer bloodbaths which drowned out the saner voices of Cicero (executed in 44 BCE), Thomas More (executed in 1535 CE), or Jean Sylvain Bailly (executed in 1793 CE)....."

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Dec 31, 2023·edited Dec 31, 2023

and that's why Smedley Butler wrote his book. Nothing has changed except for the worse. I don't remember Smedley naming the jew. That would have been anti semetic.

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Dec 16, 2023Liked by GreaterIsrahell


this one also to underscore what you already said

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Keep them coming, moon.

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One of the best summaries i've read.

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Dec 16, 2023Liked by GreaterIsrahell

excellent article! one step back from 1911: how America became a foreign coperation in 1871 - https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/when-the-united-states-became-a-corporation/

additionally by contemporary historian Matt Ehret: "humanity has long been manipulated by oligarchs who knew how to set the species to war against itself..." - https://matthewehret.substack.com/p/how-an-austrian-and-british-malthusian

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Thank you, Mary-Lou. Getting positive feedback is inspiring.

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Dec 16, 2023Liked by GreaterIsrahell

sharing relevant information is satisfying too. big TQ for the work you do :-))

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Won't somebody please start assassinating these globalist assholes? It can't happen soon enough. We will never be able to live in peace and prosperity until they are all eliminated. When they start dying at an alarming rate the assholes ready to take their places will start thinking twice before they step up to the plate.

After 9/11, 7/7 and a whole lot of other traumatic events that led up to Event 201 (read: the scamdemic) we now need peace and tranquility so we can get on with the rest of our lives in peace and quiet.

The globalist mafia needs to be taken down. CO2 is the main building block of all life on the planet. If CO2 is to be stashed away, plants will die. If plants die, all life depending on plants to live will die. What is it with this that is so hard to understand?

So if you're a troll sitting in a so-called troll farm reading my comment, do you think you are going to survive what these globalist psychopaths have planned for you? Do you really think you'll be spared?

That's all for now. More later. When I'm sufficiently pissed off.

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humanity survived the black death and worse

Things never pan out like they were meant by those " in power" ( laugh). Dont worry, we are going through difficult times, but at the end we will be ok.

If life was a" bed of roses", we would be bored to death.

Our time on this earth is limited. Enjoy the sun and the woods, they are for free

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"Enjoy the sun and the woods, they are for free."

Yeah, I see the sun maybe one day every two or three weeks. Thirty years ago you could have a period of to weeks without a single cloud in the skies, any time of the year. They are doing a phenomenal job blocking it out.

...., but yes, I enjoy the woods.

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"Humanity survived the black death and worse."

The black death pales next to the clot-shot death vaxx bio-weapon. The powers that shouldn't be have planned a 15/16 reduction of the worlds population. As horrible as it must have been, the black death didn't even come close to that.

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still it killed between one and two third of european population.

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Dec 22, 2023Liked by GreaterIsrahell

more background in a riveting history lesson by Cynthia Chung - https://cynthiachung.substack.com/p/brunelleschis-dome-the-project-that

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Dec 22, 2023Liked by GreaterIsrahell

Thank you !

To you all, merry xmas

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there's more to this story: "... In 1345, the biggest financial crash in history hit Europe (Venetian bankers combined w/England's borrowing and over-spending).... the economy throughout Europe quickly decayed, closing down shops and trade. Food became increasingly harder to come by and water sanitation could not be maintained. Not long after that, the plague consumed a vulnerable Europe, and had reached its climax from 1347 to 1351. During this time, many cities suffered up to a 50-70% mortality rate, killing much of the young and the old. With the spread of mass death, huge gaps in knowledge occurred, leaving untrained and under-educated youth responsible for overseeing European civilization’s survival...." - https://cynthiachung.substack.com/p/brunelleschis-dome-the-project-that

merry christmas y'all :-))

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Thanks for your comment, Mary-Lou. ......., and on that note......, Merry fucking Christmas everybody, and excuse me while I go barf. :-(

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Dec 22, 2023·edited Dec 22, 2023Liked by GreaterIsrahell

life's too precious for that: to have a good laugh can dissipate frustration in a whiffy (and some of us need your good work to get through the day, good sir).

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